Category Archives: Vocations


In vocational pastoral care we do not start from scratch!

Greetings of Mgr Oscar Cantoni to the participants in the European Congress on Vocations

Opening the Congress, H.E. Mgr Oscar Cantoni, Bishop in charge of the Vocations section of the CCEE Commission Youth, recalled the aims of the meeting in Tirana “everything is aimed at helping the educators of God’s people, and therefore all pastoral workers, in suggesting the most opportune ways so that all the ordinary pastoral care of the Church underlines the vocational dimension and offers useful … Continue reading In vocational pastoral care we do not start from scratch! »


In Verbo Tuo. Vocations today in Europe

Congress of the National Delegates in Tirana

The Church believes and trusts that today the Lord is still calling many people to consecrate themselves to Him and to the service of the faithful and the mission of the Church. Every era brings with it new challenges which demand careful analysis and an ability to adapt, in ways and forms, with regard, also, to the re-awakening of the vocational call and the accompaniment … Continue reading In Verbo Tuo. Vocations today in Europe »