The Archdiocese of Luxembourg

The Archdiocese of Luxembourg, established in 1870, was raised to the rank of Archdiocese in 1988. There is no Bishops’ Conference as such, since the jurisdiction extends over the whole of the country.

Important areas of work are monitored by the Council of Bishops, composed, as well as by the Secretary and the Chancellor of the diocesan Curia, by six episcopal delegates, who contribute to directing the Archdiocese, looking after different areas (pastoral issues, formation and on-going formation, religious education and pastoral work in education, media and culture, consecrated life).

Relations with international ecclesiastical bodies such as CCEE and COMECE are managed by the Archbishop himself along with the episcopal delegate for international church relations, which closely follows up practical issues and correspondence.


H.Em. Card. Jean-Claude Hollerich SI, Archbishop of Luxembourg


Rev. Georges Hellinghausen


B.P. 419
L-2014 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352 46 20 23
Fax: +352 47 53 81
