The Bishops' Conference of the Czech Republic

The Czech Bishops' Conference (ČBK), founded by the Holy See, is an assembly of Catholic bishops of the Czech Republic who jointly exercise pastoral functions for the Christian faithful of their territory in order to promote greater good which the Church offers to humanity, especially through forms and programs of the apostolate fittingly adapted to the circumstances of time and place (can. 447 CIC).

The Czech Bishop's Conference came into being in 1993, upon the separation of Czechoslovakia to the Czech and Slovak Republics. It continues in activity carried out by the former Czechoslovak Bishops' Conference. Since 1996, the ČBK also represents the Greek Orthodox Apostolic Exarchate. The Czech Catholic Church is divided into two Church Provinces: the Provinces of Bohemia and Moravia. The Province of Bohemia consists of the Archdiocese of Prague, the Diocese of Budweis (České Budějovice), the Diocese of Hradec Králové, the Diocese of Litoměřice and the Diocese of Pilsen (Plzeň). The Province of Moravia consists of the Archdiocese of Olomouc, the Diocese of Brno and the Diocese of Ostrava-Opava.

The ČBK member bishops include diocesan bishops of both rites, bishops-successors, auxiliary bishops and other titular bishops who, charged by the Apostolic See or by the Bishops' Conference, carry out special service for the whole nation in the whole territory or outside of it. The Conference consists of the Permanent Council, the Secretary General, and the following Commissions: for the Doctrine of the Faith, for Liturgy, for Catholic Education, Economical-Judicial Commission and the Joint Commission of the ČBK and the Conference of Higher Superiors of Orders (KVŘP).


S.E. Msgr Jan Graubner, Archbishop of Prague


Rev. Roman Czudek


Thákurova 3,
CZ-16000 Praha 6
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 220 181 421
