The Bishops’ Conference of Romania

In its current form, the Romanian Bishops’ Conference (RBC) came about on 16 March 1991, according to Protocol n. 855/1990 of the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Oriental Churches. The first ad limina apostolorum visit of the Romanian bishops took place in 1937; the visits were suppressed during the regime of Communist dictatorship and began again in 1991. The first President of the RBC after 1989 was His Eminence Cardinal Alexandru Todea, elected in Rome on 20 March 1991.

All the bishops of the Catholic Church in Romania, the six Roman Catholic dioceses and the six Greek-Catholic eparchies, are part of the RBC, with Romanian, Hungarian and German the languages used. The bishops meet every year in two plenary sessions, which may also be attended by the Emeritus Archbishops and Bishops and other invitees. The RBC is organised into two sections: the Roman Catholic Section and the Greek-Catholic Section. The President and Vice-president are elected alternately from the two Rites.


S.B. Card. Lucian Mureşan, Senior Archbishop of Fǎgǎraş and Alba Lulia


Rev. Francisc Ungureanu


Str. Diligenței nr. 24, sector 3
031555 Bucarest
Tel. / Fax +40 31 4361250
