Category Archives: Archive

2015 – Episcopal collaboration between Africa and Europe

Episcopal collaboration between Africa and Europe CCEE – SECAM Seminar for bishops Maputo, Mozambique, 28-31 May 2015 After the Congress organised by CCEE and SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) held in Rome in 2012, the study seminars on important pastoral issues for Africa and Europe will begin again, involving about ten bishops from Europe and the African continent.  Theme The joy … Continue reading 2015 – Episcopal collaboration between Africa and Europe »

2014 – Supporting Christians in the Holy Land

Supporting Christians in the Holy Land Holyland, Jerusalem, 11-16 January The Secretariat of the Holy Land Coordination is based within the Bishops Conference of England and Wales  

2014 – Europe at St. Gallen

Europe at St. Gallen St. Gallen, Switzerland, 7 January 2014 Venue St Galen – Switzerland {loadposition event-muslims}  

2015 – example

How Muslims in Europe change 4th Meeting of bishops and delegates in charge of relations with Muslims in Europe St. Maurice, Switzerland, 13-15 May 2015 After the meetings in Bordeaux (2009), Turin (2011), and London (2013), the 2015 meeting of those responsible for dialogue with Muslims in Europe will take place in Barcelona. The meeting, which usually see the participation of the President of the … Continue reading 2015 – example »

2015 – How Muslims in Europe change

How Muslims in Europe change 4th Meeting of bishops and delegates in charge of relations with Muslims in Europe St. Maurice, Switzerland, 13-15 May 2015 After the meetings in Bordeaux (2009), Turin (2011), and London (2013), the 2015 meeting of those responsible for dialogue with Muslims in Europe will take place in St Maurice. The meeting, which usually see the participation of the President of … Continue reading 2015 – How Muslims in Europe change »

2015 – Meeting of the Joint CCEE-CEC Committee

Meeting of the Joint CCEE-CEC Committee Rome, Italy, 6-8 May 2015 This is an annual meeting which was first held in 1972. The participants are the Presidencies of CCEE and CEC (Conference of European Churches, the body which brings together a majority of the other Christian Churches on the continent). There are 14 members of the Joint Committee (7 per organisation). Theme Freedom and freedoms: … Continue reading 2015 – Meeting of the Joint CCEE-CEC Committee »

2015 – Meeting of the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences of South-East Europe

Meeting of the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences of South-East Europe Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences of South-east Europe Bucharest, Romania, 17-21 April 2015 Participating are the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences of Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, the Maronite Archbishop of Cyprus and President of the International Bishops’ Conference of Saints Cyril and Methodius (Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro). The Catholic Church … Continue reading 2015 – Meeting of the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conferences of South-East Europe »

2015 – Congress on university pastoral work

Congress on university pastoral work Łódź, Polonia, 16-19 April 2015 The congress is aimed chiefly at bishops and those responsible for university pastoral work on behalf of the Bishops’ Conferences in Europe. Also invited are delegates from international associations and movements working in the university world. The congress is organised by the CCEE ‘Catechesis, School and University’ Commission chaired by His Grace Mgr Marek Jędraszewski, Archbishop … Continue reading 2015 – Congress on university pastoral work »